It’s Okay

I am sitting here with a mild headache thinking of all the things I have missed out on, left unfinished and abandoned. And it feels like a long time ago.

Hello friends, I hope everyone is holding up and hanging in there. There’s been a lot of events and change of plans for almost everyone in the world.

At some point, we all had to stay indoors, and as I am typing this now some countries are going back on lockdown, which is sad.

Being stuck at home can be frustrating especially when it’s compulsory. You’ll have to find ways to keep you sane and not lose your mind to boredom or worrying about what’s coming next. I hope we get through this.

Looking at my self-transformation journey, I am grateful for my experiences although, I didn’t go as far as I wanted to. I was met with a lot of challenges which is normal but the energy was a bit overwhelming for me. My birthday too was last month (October), I was filled and occupied with anxiety that I didn’t have time to celebrate it and I LOVE my birthdays. It was a combination of a lot of things. I had stopped journaling, meditating, exercising and sleeping. I was out of my element. But, I think it’s okay that it happened.

Sometimes, we might be going through or dealing with a lot, these can be obstacles and normal life events that reminds us that we are alive and we are humans(just in case we forgot).

So, I am grateful for it.

How do you get back on your journey or working towards what you want? I think you just go back. “Just Do It”.

Get back to it.

Start eating healthier with every meal, walking/running, sleeping and start by writing a sentence in your journal or drafts. Don’t punish yourself or say unkind things to yourself.

Our experiences are a big part of our journey. When you don’t get it the first, second, third or fourth time, try again, learn from the “choices you made”.

I am so happy I got to share this with you guys, if you are going through the same or you feel completely stressed, uninspired and off course, “It’s Okay“. Hang in there, be kind to yourself and start taking care of you again.

Thank you for reading.

And a happy new month to you all.


Photo by Paolo Bendandi on Unsplash

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